It is a time to enter walk with Christ - by remembering the events of these three days, and more importantly their significance to us. Each one of us, was saved by this Man over 2,000 years ago...because He loved each one of us.

Then to Good Friday, to the scenes of His the Garden, betrayed by His friend...with the mocking crowd and the soldiers who scourged Him mercilessly and placed thorns on His head. See Him being condemned, traded for a murderer. Watch as He passes by carrying the heavy cross...and then was brutally nailed upon it. With courage, stay with Him as he hung for you in bitter agony for hours upon that cross...bloodied, spent of everything, until He breathed His last.
Behold Mary's the soldier pierces Jesus's heart with the lance. After which she holds the body of her lifeless Son...and then lays Him in the tomb.
Stay with the apostles as they wait in fear through Holy Saturday. Wondering...waiting....afraid...keeping vigil. See Jesus entering death - and raising up those who where asleep. And then...go with Mary Magdalene to the empty tomb.
I pray that you let Jesus open your what He wants to reveal to you about His Passion during this holy time. What awaits us is a chance to come closer to the suffering of our Lord. He wants us with Him...especially in these days. Do not be afraid to accompany Him.
*The best way to experience the Sacred Triduum, is in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
**Here is another helpful and good explanation of the Sacred Triduum.
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